Pixelvania Kickstarter Launch

Calling all Druids of Stone Circle Games: We are thrilled to announce the Kickstarter launch for an all-new Hero Pack for Battle for Biternia: Pixelvania! 

Pixelvania expands the base set of Battle for Biternia with a roster of fun and foreboding new Heroes and effects which are fully compatible with your existing collection. Drawing inspiration from Castleviania, Ghosts & Goblins, and other classics, Pixelvania seeks out the things that go bump in the night...and the brave souls who wish to slay them.

Whether you are already a fan of Battle for Biternia, or a fan of one of our other games, we'd like to invite you to the battle of a lifetime, where you can align yourself with dark souls such as the Spider Queen, the Vampire, and the Werewolf to take down your opponents.

We are eternally grateful to all of our SCG fans, and can't wait to show you all what we've been working on! Thank you, and happy battling! 

  • The Stone Circle Games Team

Stone Circle Games

We are a tiny Virginia-based publisher that seeks to make fun, immersive games with accessible mechanics that create memorable game nights.


WOW - 50% Backed in Less Than 24 Hours!